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What a World
What a World
We have been born in to
The physics. The Chemistry. The Biology. The patterns. The Symmetries. The Plants. The Animals. The Oceans. Rivers. Lakes. Forests. Weather.
this world is not separate from us.
it is us!

We are all built with the same elemental building blocks and fueled by the same creative magical energy. An unfathomable, synergistic energy that sees and expresses through you. It is a process that is you and is everything around you. Focused heavily on a little planet somewhere blasting through the stars. Somehow, someway, we ended up here as Humans. As Earthlings. Little Novelty Producing Machines. And You know what?
It Has Been One. Wild. Ride.

The Team at Earthling Clothing Co.
will do our absolute best to bring the heat through design and we hope, by wearing the brand, you will be continually reminded to live in the present and to be grateful for the here and now.
The sensation of being the knower and the experiencer of this world
is not as it were aside from everything else going on, but that it is part of it!
Even though you experience your life subjectively you are never the less part of the external world.
you are in my external world just as I am in your external world.
so in this way the final barrier between the knower and the known is broken down.
there is nobody as it were being carried along by fate there is just the process.
and all that you are is part of the process.
the individual who has always felt himself to be the tiny little thing on the end of the big determining process
he no longer experiences a passive relationship to the world
he simply sees that all that he is and all that he ever was
was something that the entire process was doing.
Where do Ideas Come From?
I dont know why
I create the art
that I create
All I have are my preferences
and my experiences.
planet earth
Street Name? Always Changing
Building #? Third Rock